How can I know if a withdraw has arrived to my account?


Hello! I have a question, how can I know if a withdraw has arrived to my account? Context: I'm writing a smart contract that after some logic triggers the withdrawal of some funds from the pool. When the funds arrive I have to transfer them to a known account. (using Aave v3)

Also, while testing on a polygon mainnet fork, I can only deposit wrapped matic, but I had understood that ERC20 compliant tokens didn't need to be wrapped, am I wrong? is it because of the mainnet fork?

Answers 1

One way would be to do a erc20 balanceOf check after the withdrawal to know the new balance You should be able to deposit any ERC20 listed in the forked polygon aave pool, be sure to get those erc20 first and approve the transfer before calling supply;

Also have a look at the aave sandbox, it contains a task that works like a faucet of any erc20 asset for forked networks;