Is it possible to store interest-bearing tokens at the same address for different users within Aave?


Hey, can you help with a small question: Is it possible to store interest-bearing tokens at the same address for different users with the ability to calculate how much money each of them has?

Example: User 1 supplied 100 USDT year ago and User 2 supplied 10 USDT month ago. All aTokens I store at the same address. In total - supplied 110 USDT and I have, for example, 118.56 aUSDT.

Can I calculate how many aTokens each of them has from this total amount? I would be grateful for any advice!

Answers 1

I think you could use the liquidityIndex at the time of supply for each time you supplied.

When you supply an asset your

scaledATokenBalance = amountSupplied / liquidityIndex

(at the time of supply). When you check the current balance of an aToken it is

scaledATokenBalance * liquidityIndex(current