Is it possible to pay back your debts with your collateral or wallet on Aave v3?


On Aave v3 it is now possible to pay back your debts with your collateral or wallet. Since I have DAI.e as collateral (in fact aDAI.E)

I first went to the "collateral" tab to find my DAI.e and pay my debt but I didn't find my DAI, the other assets did.

In fact it's in "wallet", I saw my small amount of DAI.e but I couldn't find my DAI in collateral, it's when I clicked on DAI.e that I saw my aDAI.e : my humble opinion : it should have appeared in my assets in collateral

Answers 1

So, if you are trying to repay debt in same currency then it is via wallet. So to pay DAI debt with your aDAI you can do it directly via wallet. This is because Aave v3 has a native repay with atoken option -

In case you want to repay debt with supplied liquidity in some other reserve it is via collateral swap option which is enabled via peripheral adapter.

More info in this question or here